"We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community. . . Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.”
- Migrant farm worker activist Cesar Chavez

Monday, March 10, 2008


LULAC National Press Release:

Top Woman Leaders to Participate in LULAC National Women’s Conference in San Antonio , Texas
Premiere Latina Event to Honor LULAC National President Rosa Rosales

Washington , DC —The LULAC National Women’s Conference will be held on March 14-15 in San Antonio , Texas at the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa located at 9800 Hyatt Resort Drive . “Today’s Women—Visionaries Shaping Our Nation’s Leadership” is the theme of this year’s conference.

“As we celebrate our 79th Anniversary fighting for civil rights, Latinas have made tremendous strides in holding positions of influence within American society,” said LULAC National President Rosa Rosales. “I am humbled to be serving another year as your National President and proud to announce that women are serving in more LULAC national, state and local elected positions than ever before. We are confident that the future will see Latinas making greater inroads into the non-profit, government, business, and political sectors of our country, as our community begins to realize its full potential.”

“We invite the public to attend our dynamic sessions featuring inspirational stories and strategies for success as well as our Latina Expo and silent auction held during the conference,” said LULAC National Vice-President for Women Margaret Moran. “We are delighted to offer the LULAC National Women’s Conference during Women’s History Month which recognizes the achievements of women in all facets of life—science, community, government, literature, art, sports and medicine.”
The workshops and exhibits are open to the public. AGENDA: http://www.lulac.org/events/women/wagenda2008.html

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


This coming Saturday, the LULAC District is hosting a Civil Rights Training/ Forum for LULAC members and activists.

LULAC Civil Rights Forum
9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Saturday, March 8th, 2008
Ripley House
4410 Navigation
Houston, Texas 77011 (2nd Floor; Room 209)

"The Forum is designed for our members to learn how to address or request for assistance from the general Houston population. The primary focus is on civil rights issues and is being the presented by the Co-Chairs of the LULAC National Civil Rights Commission, Ms. Mary Louise Ramos and Richard Sambrano. They have enlisted the Department of Justice and other civil rights activists to participate and present real life scenarios."

Some of you may remember meeting our LULAC National Civil Rights Chair, Mr. Sambrano, who came down from Dallas to speak at our LULAC Hunger Strike Press Conference. Some consider him a living legend for the work that he's done across the nation in the area of civil rights.

If you are interested in attending, please email LULACLawStudents@yahoo.com with your name & phone number because we need to give the District the names asap.


TMSL LULAC Law Students #4900